By Stanique Wilson, Features Editor

On April 17-20, the state of South Carolina’s HSAP testing will be taking place for first-time Sophomores and for Juniors and Seniors who have yet to pass.

The HSAP test determines each and every student’s graduation from high school, so they have two times during their Junior and Senior years to take the test if they fail to pass on their first or second time.

“The HSAP wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t hard; you really have to focus and take the test serious[ly] because your graduation depends on this test, and you really don’t want to be that Senior still trying to past the HSAP,” Junior Jeremy Austin said

The HSAP is basically everything you learn from eighth to tenth grade. The HSAP consists of three parts, the English, Math and Writing portions.

“I was nervous about the HSAP, but when it was right there in front me, I realized that it wasn’t anything to stress about; all I did was study everything, and that help[ed] me to pass the HSAP on the first try,” Junior Megan Johnson said

There is also an HSAP Blitz being held March 19 to March 30 where English and Math teachers will focus on nothing but the HSAP for a whole two weeks. This will allow students to practice HSAP techniques.

“My goal is to help students be successful during and after the HSAP. For the HSAP Blitz, I will be working on USATestprep Algebra II and Math Strategy,” Ms. Tonia Young, Mathematics Teacher, said.

Some tips for passing the HSAP are:

  • Get lots of rest
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Arrive early so you won’t be late
  • Read directions and questions carefully
  • Stay relaxed and confident in yourself
  • Review your answers
  • Take your time

“I would just advise each and every student to stay on task, focus and prepare mentally,” Junior Giovanni Johnson said.